From Healthcare to Defense: Unveiling Switzerland’s Key Ministries and Their Roles


A variety of ministries play a significant role in the creation and implementation of policy in Switzerland, which operates under a system of decentralized governance. This section will delve into Switzerland’s major ministries, giving a summary of their areas of responsibility, current office holders, and significant initiatives each ministry has spearheaded. Let’s find out more about the ministries and their individual responsibilities.


Department of Home Affairs (FDHA) of the federal government.

The FDHA is headed by Federal Councillor Alain Berset and is tasked with managing issues pertaining to healthcare, social security, culture, and civil protection. The department has started important projects like healthcare reform, cultural advocacy, and social security guarantees for the Swiss people.


The FDFA is the federal department of foreign affairs.

International relations and Switzerland’s foreign policy are managed by the FDFA, which is chaired by Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis. Diplomacy, advancing Switzerland’s foreign policy objectives, and maintaining relations with other countries and international organizations are among the department’s main duties.


the Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP):

The FDJP is in charge of policing, enforcing the law, and dealing with immigration issues. It is led by Federal Councillor Karin Keller-Sutter. The department plays a crucial role in upholding the law, guaranteeing an impartial judiciary, and managing immigration and asylum procedures.


The federal DDPS (Department of Defense, Civil Protection, and Sports).

Defense, civil protection, and sports in Switzerland are under the control of the DDPS, which is led by Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin. The mandates of the department include preserving the nation’s defense capabilities, ensuring national safety, and advancing sports initiatives.


FDF: Federal Department of Finance.

The FDF is in charge of handling financial matters, taxation, and economic strategy under the direction of Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer. The division plays a crucial role in overseeing fiscal policies, fostering ethical financial behavior, and managing Switzerland’s economy.


EAER, the federal department of economic affairs, education, and research.

The EAER, under the direction of Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin, is in charge of overseeing activities related to scientific research, education, and economic development. The department’s main duties include advancing educational opportunities, promoting economic development, and promoting innovation through research projects.


The federal DTCE (Department of Transportation, Communications, and Energy).

The DTCE overseen by Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga deals with energy policies, communications networks, and transportation infrastructure. The department plays a crucial role in maintaining and improving transportation infrastructure, offering dependable communication systems, and supporting environmentally friendly energy production methods.


Each department carries out its particular duties while working with other federal departments, cantonal authorities, and stakeholders to achieve their specific goals.

These divisions play a crucial role in formulating legislation, carrying out government initiatives, and ensuring the smooth operation of numerous industries in Switzerland.

Author: Pooyan Ghamari, Swiss Economist & Visionary 


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